Friday 20 June 2014

Super Spellers

This weeks super spellers awards go to three children! Although all children should be very proud of their accomplishments! EVERYONE was able to break their super speller record.

This weeks Super Speller awards go to:
Tangi -  wrote 49 words 
Deevah - wrote 31 words
Timote - wrote 21 words

Well done team! 
Have a safe weekend! 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

The big storm!

Room 4 were all a bit tired after the big storm that came. But we all had a lot to say about what we saw and heard. Here are some amazing stories from the wonderful writers in Room 4, enjoy!

The storm made all the trees fall down. Jeremiah

The wind whistled and made the trees fall down. I saw the tree on the grass. When I went to school I saw a tree had fallen down on the road and it broke a fence. Melissa

The loud noises kept me from sleeping. When the big rain storm started to rain I couldn't sleep so I watched tv. Then I cried cause all my family were asleep and I was scared. I was scared because the big rain storm was really really loud. Fe'ao

I went to school and the big tree fell down. Soni

I was asleep and I heard the storm. I was scared. Adalyn

The storm went boom! I was scared when the tree fell down. Toa

The tree fell down at school. My sister couldn't come and play with me. Michael

When I went to sleep I heard a loud storm. When I went to sleep in the night. The loud noise woke me upI was a little bit scared. When I came to school the tree fell down and I couldn't get to the classroom. Deevah

Fresh Movement came to visit

We were lucky enough to have Fresh Movement dance crew come to perform for us. They were amazing! 
Here are some photos!!!